Friday 20 Sep 2024

CTBL Fixtures 2021 - Saturday League Fixtures





Cleveland & Teesside Bowls League
(All games start at 1.30pm)
15-May 26-Jun 07-Aug
Coronation Cup - 1st Round Coronation Cup - Semi Finals
Stuart Waites Memorial Trophy
Jack Hatfield v West End Plus any other possible rearranged 
Thornaby v Newham Grange Ropner Park @ 12.30 pm league matches
22-May 03-Jul 14-Aug
Thornaby v West End Billingham BC v Middlesbrough BC West End v Jack Hatfield
Billingham BC v Synthonia Hornets Ropner Park v West End Synthonia Wasps Bye
Synthonia Wasps v Middlesbrough BC Newham Grange v Synthonia Wasps Elm Tree v Billingham BC
Elm Tree v Ropner Park Bye Elm Tree Middlesbrough BC v Ropner Park
Jack Hatfield Bye Synthonia Hornets v Jack Hatfield Thornaby v Newham Grange
M'brough Cons v Newham Grange Thornaby v M'brough Cons M'brough Cons v Synthonia Hornets
29-May 10-Jul 21-Aug
Synthonia Wasps v Elm Tree West End v Newham Grange West End v Middlesbrough BC
Ropner Park v Billingham BC Synthonia Wasps v Billingham BC Billingham BC Bye
Middlesbrough BC v Jack Hatfield Elm Tree v Thornaby Elm Tree v Newham Grange
Newham Grange v Synthonia Hornets Jack Hatfield v Ropner Park Jack Hatfield v Thornaby
M'brough Cons v West End Middlesbrough BC v M'brough Cons M'brough Cons v Synthonia Wasps
Thornaby Bye Bye Synthonia Hornets Synthonia Hornets v Ropner Park
05-Jun 17-Jul 28-Aug
West End v Elm Tree M'brough Cons v Billingham BC
Billingham BC v Thornaby Synthonia Wasps v West End Coronation Cup - Final
Ropner Park v Newham Grange Ropner Park Bye
Jack Hatfield v M'brough Cons Middlesbrough BC v Elm Tree Plus any other possible rearranged league
Bye Middlesbrough BC Newham Grange v Jack Hatfield match  (All league matches must be 
Synthonia Hornets v Synthonia Wasps Thornaby v Synthonia Hornets completed by this date)
12-Jun 24-Jul 04-Sep
Coronation Cup - Quarter Finals Billingham BC v West End
M'brough Cons v Billingham BC Elm Tree v M'brough Cons Contingency for Coronation 
Synthonia v Thornaby or Newhm Grg Jack Hatfield v Synthonia Wasps Cup final (only)
Middlesbrough BC v Jack Hatfield or WEBC Bye Newham Grange
Elm Tree v Ropner Park Synthonia Hornets v Middlesbrough BC
Plus any rearranged league games Ropner Park v Thornaby
19-Jun 31-Jul
West End v Synthonia Hornets Ropner Park v M'brough Cons
Synthonia Wasps v Ropner Park Newham Grange v Middlesbrough BC
Jack Hatfield v Elm Tree Billingham BC v Jack Hatfield
Middlesbrough BC v Thornaby Bye West End
Newham Grange v Billingham BC Synthonia Hornets v Elm Tree
M'brough Cons Bye Thornaby v Synthonia Wasps
Please advise of any rearrangements
All results, rearrangements and cancelled games to the C & TBL secretary - 
Derek McConnell
28 Highfield Crescent
Stockton on Tees
TS18 5HJ 07769494494 01642-570505 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
All matches (except the Corontion Cup final) must be completed on or before Saturday 21st August. If any of the matches scheduled for 
Saturday 21st August are postponed then any of these must ne played by Saturday 28th August. 
No exception are allowed on this ruling