Friday 20 Sep 2024

CTBL Fixtures 2021 - Wednesday League Fixtures

Cleveland & Teesside Bowls League
(All games start at 6.30pm)
19 May 2021 30 June 2021 11 August 2021
Bye Billingham BC Bye Mbrough Cons South Park v Rooks
Newham Grnge v Synthonia West End B v Newham Grange Mbrough Cons v Billingham BC
Eldon Grove v Mbrough Cons Eldon Grove v Elm Tree Newham Grnge v Thornaby
Thornaby v Elm Tree Thornaby v South Park  Synthonia Bye
Rooks v West End B Billingham BC v Rooks West End A  v Eldon Gove
West End A  v South Park  Synthonia v West End A  Elm Tree v West End B
26 May 2021 7 July 2021 18 August 2021
West End B v Eldon Grove Rooks v Newham Grange
South Park  v Newham Grange West End B Bye Bye Elm Tree
Billingham BC v Thornaby South Park  v Synthonia Newham Grnge v West End A 
Mbrough Cons v West End A  Billingham BC v Eldon Grove West End B v Billingham BC
Rooks Bye Mbrough Cons v Thornaby plus any rearranged match
Elm Tree v Synthonia Elm Tree v West End A 
2 June 2021 14 July 2021 25 August 2021
Bye Eldon Grove Newham Grange Bye
Newham Grnge v Elm Tree Eldon Grove v Rooks South Park v Eldon Grove
South Park  v Mbrough Cons Thornaby v West End B Thornaby v Synthonia
Thornaby v Rooks Synthonia v Mbrough Cons Rooks v Mbrough Cons
Synthonia v Billingham BC West End A  v Billingham BC plus any rearranged match
West End A  v West End B Elm Tree v South Park 
9 June 2021 21 July 2021
Bye West End A  Woodroffe Cup Quarter Finals All matches must be completed on or 
West End B v South Park  winner match 3 v Eldon Grove before 25th August. If any of the
Eldon Grove v Thornaby winner match 2  v South Park matches sched. for Wed 25th August 
Billingham BC v Elm Tree Mbrough Cons  v Rooks & United are postponed then any of these must 
Mbrough Cons v Newham Grange see Thurs league for winners match 3 and be played by Wedneday 1st Sept.  No 
Rooks v Synthonia match 2 & other Woodroffe cup matches exceptions are allowed on this ruling.
16 June 2021 28 July 2021
Newham Grnge v Billingham BC The EBF finals are scheduled for Mon
South Park  Bye Reserved for any rearranged matches league or Woodroffe cup 23rd Aug to Friday 27 August so some
Mbrough Cons v West End B teams matches have been scheduled for  
Synthonia v Eldon Grove Wed 18th August. Other matches 
West End A  v Thornaby scheduled for 25th August can also be
Elm Tree v Rooks moved to Wed 18th Aug. as required.
23 June 2021 4 August 2021 The Woodroffe final will need to be 
Bye Thornaby arranged by the two finalist teams on a 
Reserved for any rearranged matches league or Woodroffe cup West End B v Synthonia neutral ground by the date specified by 
Eldon Grove v Newham Grange the Competition Secretary
Billingham BC v South Park  See also the Thursday fixtures re other 
Mbrough Cons v Elm Tree Woodroffe cup matches
Rooks  v West End A
Issue 1 DKM - 19th April 2021
All results, rearrangements and cancelled games to the C & TL secretary - 
Derek McConnell
28 Highfield Crescent
Stockton on Tees
TS18 5HJ 07769494494 01642-570505 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.