Friday 20 Sep 2024

CTBL Fixtures 2021

emblemCleveland & Teesside Bowls League 

I, as a named person on this list, confirm that I have no objections to the C & TBL holding my personal information and have confirmed this in writing (via an email or in writing) to the C & TBL secretary. 

Season 2021 – Draft A – 26/04/2021 




EMAIL ADDRESS and / or postal address  



Chris Skinner 

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

07780 695378 


Chris Wharam 

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

01642-581960 / 0781 4124408 


Geoff Roberts 

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  



Derek McConnell 

28 Highfield Crescent, Hartburn, Stockton on Tees. TS18 5HJ 

Email address –  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

01642-570505./ 07769 494494 


Nick Waites  

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

07711 688771 


Brian Hart 

35 Grange Road, Norton, Stockton on Tees. TS20 2NT 

Email address -  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

01642 441174 / 07851585538 


Andy Parnell 

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

01642 554025 


Les Parnell 

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

01642 580928 


Allen Hart 

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

01642 604556 


Richard Serginson 

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

01642 750958 


Phil Lightfoot 

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

01740 620857 


Tony Herrington 

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

01642 785936 


Geoff Roberts 

As above 









BILLINGHAM B.C.   01642-554033 

John Whitehead Park, The Causeway, Billingham. TS23 2DD 

SHORTS - Grey tailored shorts are allowed 

Barry Young 

Steve Davies 

Barney Prior 

Dave Rogers 

League rep. 

Capt. Saturday 

Capt. Wed 

Capt. Thursday 


01642 802048 

01642 550898 

01642 870203 

ELDON GROVE   01429 268045 

Eldon Grove, Hartlepool, Co Durham. TS26 9LY 

SHORTS - allowed

Dennis McClelland 

Ian Hewitson 

League Rep 

Capt. Wed. 

07803 292622 

07974 379244 

ELM TREE   01642-616120 

130, Bishopton Road West, Stockton. TS19 0QJ 

SHORTS –  allowed official bowls only

Allen Hart 

Tom McEwan 

Paul Harrison 

League rep.  

Capt. Wed/Sat 

Capt. Thursday 




FISHBURN   No telephone number at ground 

Colliery Welfare Ground, Fishburn, Stockton on Tees.  SHORTS - Grey tailored shorts are allowed 

Carol Mason 

Not participating in the league in 2021 

League rep. 

01740 238443/0744 603450 


JACK HATFIELD   01642-816873 

Rockingham Court, Acklam, Middlesbrough.  TS5 7BNJ 

SHORTS - Not allowed in any capacity 

Jeff Whitehead  

John Mett senior 


League rep.  

Captain Saturday 

To confirm 

07905 679682 

MIDDLESBROUGH B.C.   01642-817444 

Cornfield Road, Linthorpe, Middlesbrough. TS5 5QL 

SHORTS – ALLOWED  Must be Bowls England official shorts with official Bowls England logo-  

Alf Hannaford 

Bill Peirson 


League rep. 

Asst. League rep& Capt. Saturday 


01642 460400 / 07954028019 


21, Orchard Road, Linthorpe, Middlesbrough. TS5 5PN 

SHORTS Grey tailored shorts are allowed 

Derek Adams 

League rep. &  

Capt. Wednesday & Saturday 

01642 281478 / 07913766788 

NEWHAM GRANGE & NORTH END   01642-616821 

Newham Grange Park, Darlington Lane, Stockton on Tees.  TS19 8AD 

SHORTS – Not allowed in any capacity 

Trevor Twizel 


Stan Dixon 

Miranda Coulson 

League rep. & 

Capt. Wed & Sat 

Assistant / Alternative contacts 

01642 532093 


Details to follow 

NORTON   07534974352 

Norton Sports Village, 74 Station Road, Norton, Stockton on Tees. TS20 1PE 

SHORTS - Allowed 

Mike Perkins 


Pam Johnson 

Martin Wright  

League rep and Capt. Thursday 

NBC Secretary 

Club chairman 

01642 554389/07770273250 


01642 648293/07855515093 









ROOKS   01642-672202 

Balmoral Terrace, Stockton on Tees. TS18 4DD 

SHORTS - Grey tailored shorts are allowed 

Peter Harris 

George Fleming 

League rep 

Capt. Wednesday 

01642 653832/07724136998 

01642 363805 

ROPNER PARK   01642-672202 

Balmoral Terrace, Stockton on Tees. TS18 4DD 

SHORTS - Grey tailored shorts are allowed 

David Gowdy 




Chris Wharam 

Keith Guy 

Ken Clark 

League rep. 

Not participating in the Wed league in 2021 

Capt. Thursday 

Capt. Saturday 

V. Capt. Sat 

01642 789220/07815448357 




01642 581960/07814124408 

07766 058124 

07504 303153 

STOCKTON   01642-554025 

Salisbury Terrace, Stockton on Tees TS20 2DS 

SHORTS Grey tailored shorts are allowed 

Gareth Hicks 

League rep. & 

Capt. Thursday 

01642 896234 / 07982396590 

SYTHONIA  (No Ground Contact) 

Belasis Avenue, Billingham, Stockton on Tees.  TS23 1BF 

SHORTS - Grey tailored shorts are allowed 

Brian Hart 

Ian Hart 

Dave Moon 

Jeff Ravenhall 

Mal Sterling 

League rep.  

Capt. Wed. 


Capt. Sat Hrnets 

Capt. Sat Wasps 


01642 878737/07869674004 

01642 298647 

01642 641644 

01642 370467/07594636351 

THORNABY   07907814143 

Littleboy Park, Acklam Road, Thornaby, Stockton on Tees, TS17 7JS 

SHORTS – Allowed but only with Bowls England or English Bowls Federation logo 

Brian Lewis 

Doug Fairburn 

Peter Doherty 

League rep. 



01642 591894 

01642 880324/07769557766 


UNITED   01642-672202 

Balmoral Terrace, Stockton on Tees. TS18 4DD 

SHORTS - Grey tailored shorts are allowed 

Peter Harris 

George Fleming 

League rep 

Capt. Thursday 

01642 653832/07724136998 

01642 363805 

WEST END   01642-580446 

Darlington Road, Hartburn, Stockton on Tees.  TS18 5BE 

SHORTS – allowed only offici bowls shorts

Stuart Jackson 

Neil Roberts 

Steve Iceton Stuart Jackson 

Steve Iceton 

League Rep  

Captain Wed A 

Captain Wed B Captain Thurs 

Captain Saturday 

01642 874972/07785720355 

01642 616534/07921377755 

01642972232/01642 580446 01642 874972/07785720355 

01642972232/01642 580446 


For league contacts personal addresses where known are held by the league secretary and can be advised where necessary on application.  These will be destroyed once the contact is no longer applicable. 


Draft A – initial issue 26/04/2021 

Waiting updates from clubs to confirm to issue 1  







Cleveland & Teesside Bowls League
(All games start at 1.30pm)
15-May 26-Jun 07-Aug
Coronation Cup - 1st Round Coronation Cup - Semi Finals
Stuart Waites Memorial Trophy
Jack Hatfield v West End Plus any other possible rearranged 
Thornaby v Newham Grange Ropner Park @ 12.30 pm league matches
22-May 03-Jul 14-Aug
Thornaby v West End Billingham BC v Middlesbrough BC West End v Jack Hatfield
Billingham BC v Synthonia Hornets Ropner Park v West End Synthonia Wasps Bye
Synthonia Wasps v Middlesbrough BC Newham Grange v Synthonia Wasps Elm Tree v Billingham BC
Elm Tree v Ropner Park Bye Elm Tree Middlesbrough BC v Ropner Park
Jack Hatfield Bye Synthonia Hornets v Jack Hatfield Thornaby v Newham Grange
M'brough Cons v Newham Grange Thornaby v M'brough Cons M'brough Cons v Synthonia Hornets
29-May 10-Jul 21-Aug
Synthonia Wasps v Elm Tree West End v Newham Grange West End v Middlesbrough BC
Ropner Park v Billingham BC Synthonia Wasps v Billingham BC Billingham BC Bye
Middlesbrough BC v Jack Hatfield Elm Tree v Thornaby Elm Tree v Newham Grange
Newham Grange v Synthonia Hornets Jack Hatfield v Ropner Park Jack Hatfield v Thornaby
M'brough Cons v West End Middlesbrough BC v M'brough Cons M'brough Cons v Synthonia Wasps
Thornaby Bye Bye Synthonia Hornets Synthonia Hornets v Ropner Park
05-Jun 17-Jul 28-Aug
West End v Elm Tree M'brough Cons v Billingham BC
Billingham BC v Thornaby Synthonia Wasps v West End Coronation Cup - Final
Ropner Park v Newham Grange Ropner Park Bye
Jack Hatfield v M'brough Cons Middlesbrough BC v Elm Tree Plus any other possible rearranged league
Bye Middlesbrough BC Newham Grange v Jack Hatfield match  (All league matches must be 
Synthonia Hornets v Synthonia Wasps Thornaby v Synthonia Hornets completed by this date)
12-Jun 24-Jul 04-Sep
Coronation Cup - Quarter Finals Billingham BC v West End
M'brough Cons v Billingham BC Elm Tree v M'brough Cons Contingency for Coronation 
Synthonia v Thornaby or Newhm Grg Jack Hatfield v Synthonia Wasps Cup final (only)
Middlesbrough BC v Jack Hatfield or WEBC Bye Newham Grange
Elm Tree v Ropner Park Synthonia Hornets v Middlesbrough BC
Plus any rearranged league games Ropner Park v Thornaby
19-Jun 31-Jul
West End v Synthonia Hornets Ropner Park v M'brough Cons
Synthonia Wasps v Ropner Park Newham Grange v Middlesbrough BC
Jack Hatfield v Elm Tree Billingham BC v Jack Hatfield
Middlesbrough BC v Thornaby Bye West End
Newham Grange v Billingham BC Synthonia Hornets v Elm Tree
M'brough Cons Bye Thornaby v Synthonia Wasps
Please advise of any rearrangements
All results, rearrangements and cancelled games to the C & TBL secretary - 
Derek McConnell
28 Highfield Crescent
Stockton on Tees
TS18 5HJ 07769494494 01642-570505 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
All matches (except the Corontion Cup final) must be completed on or before Saturday 21st August. If any of the matches scheduled for 
Saturday 21st August are postponed then any of these must ne played by Saturday 28th August. 
No exception are allowed on this ruling




Cleveland & Teesside Bowls League
(All games start at 6.30pm)
19 May 2021 30 June 2021 11 August 2021
Bye Billingham BC Bye Mbrough Cons South Park v Rooks
Newham Grnge v Synthonia West End B v Newham Grange Mbrough Cons v Billingham BC
Eldon Grove v Mbrough Cons Eldon Grove v Elm Tree Newham Grnge v Thornaby
Thornaby v Elm Tree Thornaby v South Park  Synthonia Bye
Rooks v West End B Billingham BC v Rooks West End A  v Eldon Gove
West End A  v South Park  Synthonia v West End A  Elm Tree v West End B
26 May 2021 7 July 2021 18 August 2021
West End B v Eldon Grove Rooks v Newham Grange
South Park  v Newham Grange West End B Bye Bye Elm Tree
Billingham BC v Thornaby South Park  v Synthonia Newham Grnge v West End A 
Mbrough Cons v West End A  Billingham BC v Eldon Grove West End B v Billingham BC
Rooks Bye Mbrough Cons v Thornaby plus any rearranged match
Elm Tree v Synthonia Elm Tree v West End A 
2 June 2021 14 July 2021 25 August 2021
Bye Eldon Grove Newham Grange Bye
Newham Grnge v Elm Tree Eldon Grove v Rooks South Park v Eldon Grove
South Park  v Mbrough Cons Thornaby v West End B Thornaby v Synthonia
Thornaby v Rooks Synthonia v Mbrough Cons Rooks v Mbrough Cons
Synthonia v Billingham BC West End A  v Billingham BC plus any rearranged match
West End A  v West End B Elm Tree v South Park 
9 June 2021 21 July 2021
Bye West End A  Woodroffe Cup Quarter Finals All matches must be completed on or 
West End B v South Park  winner match 3 v Eldon Grove before 25th August. If any of the
Eldon Grove v Thornaby winner match 2  v South Park matches sched. for Wed 25th August 
Billingham BC v Elm Tree Mbrough Cons  v Rooks & United are postponed then any of these must 
Mbrough Cons v Newham Grange see Thurs league for winners match 3 and be played by Wedneday 1st Sept.  No 
Rooks v Synthonia match 2 & other Woodroffe cup matches exceptions are allowed on this ruling.
16 June 2021 28 July 2021
Newham Grnge v Billingham BC The EBF finals are scheduled for Mon
South Park  Bye Reserved for any rearranged matches league or Woodroffe cup 23rd Aug to Friday 27 August so some
Mbrough Cons v West End B teams matches have been scheduled for  
Synthonia v Eldon Grove Wed 18th August. Other matches 
West End A  v Thornaby scheduled for 25th August can also be
Elm Tree v Rooks moved to Wed 18th Aug. as required.
23 June 2021 4 August 2021 The Woodroffe final will need to be 
Bye Thornaby arranged by the two finalist teams on a 
Reserved for any rearranged matches league or Woodroffe cup West End B v Synthonia neutral ground by the date specified by 
Eldon Grove v Newham Grange the Competition Secretary
Billingham BC v South Park  See also the Thursday fixtures re other 
Mbrough Cons v Elm Tree Woodroffe cup matches
Rooks  v West End A
Issue 1 DKM - 19th April 2021
All results, rearrangements and cancelled games to the C & TL secretary - 
Derek McConnell
28 Highfield Crescent
Stockton on Tees
TS18 5HJ 07769494494 01642-570505 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.














Cleveland & Teesside Bowls League
(all games start at 6.30pm)
20 May 2021 1 July 2021 12 August 2021
Synthonia v North End Synthonia v Elm Tree
Elm Tree v Stockton Reserved for any rearranged matches league or Woodroffe cup Billingham B.C. Bye
Norton v Billingham B.C. Norton v North End
West End v United West End v Stockton
Ropner Park Bye United v Ropner Park
27 May 2021 8 July 2021 19 August 2021
 Ropner Park v Elm Tree Synthonia v Ropner Park Stockton v Billingham B.C.
Stockton v North End Elm Tree v West End
Woodroffe Cup Preliminary Round Elm Tree v Billingham B.C.
Match 1  West End v Norton plus any other rearranged matches as necessary
Newham Grange v Synthonia United Bye
3 June 2021 15 July 2021 26 August 2021
Stockton v Norton Synthonia v Stockton
North End v West End Billingham B.C. v United North End v Ropner Park
Billingham B.C. v Ropner Park Bye North End Bye Norton
Bye Synthonia Norton v Elm Tree United v Synthonia
United v Elm Tree Ropner Park v West End plus any other rearranged matches as necessary
10 June 2021 22 July 2021
Billingham BC v Synthonia Woodroffe Cup Quarter Finals All matches must be completed on or 
Stockton v United winner match 4 v winner match 5 before 26th August. If any of the
Elm Tree v North End matches sched. for Thurs 26th August 
West End Bye see also Wed 21st July for other Woodroffe are postponed then any of these must 
Ropner Park v Norton cup quarter final matches.  Plus any other be played by Thursday 2nd September
rearranged matches as necessary No exceptions are allowed on this
17 June 2021 29 July 2021 ruling
Woodroffe Cup First Round Stockton Bye
 Match 2   West End v Ropner Park North End v Billingham B.C. The EBF finals are scheduled for Mon
 Match 3   Elm Tree v Norton West End v Synthonia 23rd Aug to Friday 27 August so some
match 4 - winner match 1 v Stockton United v Norton teams matches have been scheduled for  
 Match 5  Billingham BC  v Thornaby Thurs 19th August. Other matches 
scheduled for 26th August can also be
24 June 2021 5 August 2021 moved to Thurs 19th Aug. as required.
North End v United Woodroffe Cup Semi Finals plus any other possible rearranged matches
Billingham B.C. v West End The Woodroffe final will need to be 
Bye Elm Tree arranged by the two finalist teams on a 
Norton v Synthonia winner match 8 v winner match 9 neutral ground by the date specified by 
Ropner Park v Stockton winner match 6 v winner match 7 the Competition Secretary
See also the Thursday fixtures re other 
Woodroffe cup matches
All results, rearrangements and cancelled games to the C & TL secretary - 
Derek McConnell
28 Highfield Crescent
Stockton on Tees
TS18 5HJ 07769494494 01642-570505 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Issue 1 DKM - 19th April 2021